About Cosmic Light Connection

Is it possible to simply be here, not understanding a thing?
– Gangaji
About Traditional Kundalini Tantra Yoga
Practiced regularly, Traditional Kundalini Tantra Yoga may support the flow of our innate lifeforce, promote inner expansion and help us reach our full creative potential. The practice utilizes specific techniques to bring us into presence with our centers of consciousness or chakras, awaken our inner light and awareness of our connection with all that exists. It is both deeply meditative as well as movement based. Yet it is practiced without desire for any particular outcome.
What to Expect
Throughout the asanas we use guided techniques to enter into deep inner presence. You may uncover energetic blocks and reconnect with your joyful heart. Or you may simply enjoy a good stretch. Each person’s experience with Traditional Kundalini Tantra is unique. The most important aspect is to stay present without becoming attached to any particular outcome.
Inner Alignment
In Traditional Kundalini Tantra we surrender to our own inner alignment, meaning there is no pressure to conform to a perfect physical alignment. Detailed instruction is offered for each asana, then it is up to the practitioner to discover their own inner alignment, depending on their unique physical state, and to adjust their bodies accordingly. Poses are never corrected or adjusted by the instructor.
Inner Alignment
Each week we bring our awareness to a single chakra, or center of consciousness, using the breath, bandhas, mantras, and visualization to expand our conscious awareness and potentially awaken our innate playfulness and creativity. It is ideal to begin at the beginning- with the root chakra — and to join each consecutive week for each proceeding chakra. However, participants are welcome to join at any time.
We begin each class with a brief meditation, we awaken our senses through a warmup exercise, and set our intention. Then we surrender.
Asanas are held for 3-5 minutes each, during which we close our eyes in order to stay fully present with our own inner experience. This helps deepen the meditative experience of Traditional Kundalini Yoga and allows time to apply the techniques.
Throughout the poses, guidance is offered to stay present and aware, to remember to breathe gently and naturally and most importantly to hold each pose with joy, lightness and playfulness.
Communal Practice
Even though we are physically separated, our energies and vibrations travel freely. Participants are encouraged to leave their mics open (unless there is background noise in your environment) so that we may hear each other chant and to heighten our awareness of our interconnectedness.
Meditation, yoga and divine connection don’t have to be solemn endeavors. While sacred practices and spaces are essential, and taking quiet time for reflection and meditation or prayer have definite benefits, introducing playfulness to our practice can help maintain conscious awareness as we go about our busy day.
How to Prepare
It is suggested to practice on an empty stomach, if possible. Though it is important to consume water before and during the practice. Practicing Traditional Kundalini Tantra yoga may or may not lead to the awakening of dormant energies in the body. It is suggested that in addition to yoga, participants practice mindfulness through regular meditation, as well as engage a spiritual guide, healer, or therapist, or a spiritual support group.
The Difference between using Will Power and Setting an Intention
Though we need will power to exist, using pure will power to move through the day usually results in energy depletion and exhaustion. Loving intention on the other hand is sourced from deep inside our being, it is our connection to spirit, intuition, a higher power or simply a knowing sense beyond intellectual knowledge.